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Laser therapy

Laser therapy

Laser Therapy is intended for anti-inflammatory, regenerative bio-stimulating and analgesic treatments, and the word laser itself means enhancing light by stimulated light emission (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation).

Laser Therapy stimulates collagen synthesis so accelerating wound healing, alleviating pain (it acts analgesically), reducing puffiness, reducing scar tissue, having thermal activity, and acting favorably on the immune system.

It is commonly used at:

– Injuries of soft tissue (traumatic and inflammatory): stretched and rupture of the tendons, muscles and ligaments, hematoma, inflammation of the tendon and mucous membranes (painful shoulder, tennis and golf elbow …)
– Wound healing – treatment of trophic, varicose, diabetic and decubital ulcers, healing of burns and postoperative wounds.
– Pain relief: acute pain (tension, migraine and neuralgic headache, lumboishialgia and brachialgia, post-herpetic neuralgia); chronic pain (pain in the neck and spine, joint pain in tendons and muscles)